How It Works



CASHCASTERS is a new online marketplace where YOU decide how much you are willing to pay for any type of products or services. To get started:

Create or "Cast" a cash offer for products and services you need based on what you can afford. Posting cash offers are “FREE” so make as many casts as you like and you just may catch a great deal!

Let's say you need a laptop but only have $250.00 to spend. You can create a Cash Offer or "Cast" of $250.00 along with a description of what you are looking for. People will see your Cash Offer and will be reaching out to you to offer their laptops for the price you are willing to pay. It’s easy and it’s fun to “Catch A Deal” on CASHCASTERS!

Need a service provider? CASHCASTERS has you covered! Find the service provider you are looking for including painters, plumbers, landscapers, lawyers and more! For example, if you need legal services but cannot afford legal fees, you can make a Cash Offer or “Cast” for legal service and you may be surprised to see how many lawyers will offer their services based on the price you are willing to pay. They may even fight for your business!

Join CASHCASTERS for FREE and Catch a Deal today!